Mean, Terrible, Awful. Mom.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let's just call it all off, shall we?

As much as I wanted to cancel the 24th, it seems the next day is where things got truly disgusting.

So, do we remember how I mentioned that the boyfriend broke his finger on the job? Well, he did. Then they fired him. Supposedly it was because the whole thing was a safety issue, but who in the world is going to turn off something they're not working on so that they can work on the thing they did turn off? Ugh.

So now he's out of work, and he can't get something new until after the surgery to repair his finger, and the necessary healing period. FUN.

Now it's just after three in the morning, and he's going to be up in three hours for a slew of doctor visits. Unfortunately this week I won't be going with him, because the first one is earlier than I'd like to wake up Darth Boy for.

Oh, also, about five hours ago, I broke my damned glasses. That's the second pair in about six months. Yay me!


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