Mean, Terrible, Awful. Mom.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

It's been a long road

In the past few months, I've tried more than once to regain this blog. I'd try for an hour or two, and give up. It's not that important, I'd think, and just let it go. I was wrong, though, to me this is kind of important.

I've watched and read, lurked and de-lurked, on so many blogs for so long. I'd laugh and cry with them, and hide in obscurity, with no voice of my own. This changes now.

I'm cleaning out the old place, and things are so very different now. We'll revisit Little Fascist, though he's hardly little anymore, and not so much a fascist these days either. We'll get to talk about all of the things I have been through, the things LF and I have lived through together.

We'll talk about my impending divorce, and my hopes for the relationship I fell into entirely too soon. I'll talk, and maybe someone will listen. I'll de-lurk more often, and maybe become friends with these people I know so well, who have never really met me.

I'll give it a good honest try, and hope for the best. That's how you all started out too, right?


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